APRS Presentations I've Made

November 23, 1998

Lanierland Amateur Radio Club- Gainesville GA

Gave the "Introduction To APRS" program that shows features of most APRS versions. About 40 folks were in attendance and there was a pretty good buffet there at the steak house. Not gonna mention the name, because they serve that horrible "other" soft drink! The folks got to see a real live Mic-Encoder and a lot of interest was shown in having a Mic-E capable repeater.


July 15, 1998


I was glad to be able to present "APRS goes to the 1996 Atlanta Olympics" to the Islip ARES/RACES meeting in Islip, Long Island, New York. We had a nice turnout and it was nice to be able to show some of the other uses of APRS.


June, 1998

Georgia ARES Convention

At the Atlanta Hamfest, I was invited to present an introduction to APRS to the Georgia ARES Convention. Many folks were in attendance, including a quite a few County Emergency coordinators, GEMA (Georgia Emergency Management Agency) officials, National Weather Service Officials, and even Rick Palm, of the ARRL. The presentation I gave may be viewed here on the web by following the instructions below.


March 22, 1998

Yonkers, NY Hamfest

I woke up on that Sunday morning to 9 inches of new snow! After slipping and sliding my way to the Yonkers raceway, Keith Sproul and I spoke to a group of about 3 other Hams who had also braved their way into town.


January 27, 1998

Pasadena, CA Radio Club

If you live in Southern California, I hope you made it to the APRS presentation that I gave to the Pasadena Radio Club at their regular monthly meeting.

The primary topic of the show was on how APRS was implemented during the 1996 Summer Olympics in Atlanta.  We had lots of photos and discussion, as well as many questions.   Not only did we discuss the Olympics, but also the use of the APRS trackers used in conjunction with the Tournament of Roses Parade). 

The presentation ran long, so I wasn't able to give live demos, but I was able to work in some screen shots of the tracking and DF plotting screens from the Transmitter hunt that was held the night of January 17th.

We were glad to have in attendance Peter Gross, W7LUS, who is our most mobile APRS user. Peter crisscrosses the USA many times a year in his 18 wheel Ham Shack.

Another surprise guest was Bent Hildebrand, KH2Z. Brent is the Author of APRS+SA (formerly APRSa4), the APRS for DeLorme's Street Atlas program.


October, 1997

ARRL/TAPR Digital Communications Conference (DCC)

I was asked to present two APRS talks at the 1997 ARRL/TAPR Digital Communications Conference (DCC). One talk was about how APRS was used at the 1996 Atlanta Summer Olympics, and the other was about digipeater installation and networking for APRS.

June 21, 1997

Atlanta Hamfestival

 I gave a forum on APRS at the 1997 Atlanta Hamfestival. Thanks for coming- I enjoyed meeting you!


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Copyright © 1999 Ralph Fowler, N4NEQ